Sunday, October 14, 2012

55WordStory : Part II

More stories in Part 2…

Hope you enjoy reading:

Theme : Hotel
Her profession: every night new client, new hotel. Today as she proceeds to the hotel room, the door was open. He shouts: “Come-in, I am taking a shower, you undress yourself.” From behind he grabs her naked body and then a sheer silence. Next day: A brother and sister committed suicide in hotel.

Theme: Bed
Bed time stories were ritual she and her dad use to follow every night. Today after 30 years when dad asked her to talk at night as he could not sleep, she replied: “I am tired, may be some other day dad.” Unaware of the fact that it was his last night.

Theme: Poison
They met because of mutual friends (or destiny) at a pub; he asked her what her poison is? She replied Wine. He invited her at home to taste his wine collection. She visited and loved them. She invited him for wine festival at wine yards; they jumped on grapes and ended up falling in Love.

Theme: Airport
He was teasing her “I am leaving on jet plane, don’t know when I’ll be back again”. He held his 7months pregnant wife in his arm, whispered “Baby I hate to go”. To chase his dreams boarded a flight to NY. Destiny had different plans. Yes it was 9/11/2001! In a flash everything was finished.

Theme: Magic
Everyone adored Niharika which made her mother-in-law jealous.
She used to curse:”You ill-fated have done some black magic to my son, since the day you arrived nothing is going fine”
She gave her best to win family’s heart but got worse.
Niharika cannot take this anymore, her solution was: Suicide.
Black Magic worked on her!

Theme: Silver
It was their silver anniversary, 25 years of togetherness was celebrated in 5 stars, Anju was showing her Rado watch with 25 diamonds studded as gift. Everything looks perfect, business family, Rich and royalty on flip side Anju and Ravi had no children, Ravi was gay, married just for sake of society. “Perfect Couple” Huh

Theme: Seduction
“Truth or Dare”, “Truth” “You lost your virginity to” Slyly Anil said “I would choose Dare”. Anu sighed as their eyes meet.
He cannot forget night when Anu(best friend) was drunk and won’t let him go. Seducing kiss followed by passionate love making.
Then her words: “We made mistake”. His love forfeit for her Friendship.

Theme: Blood
He used to come home drunk every day.  She longed for him, famished although he does not care. He would hit her and would ask for more money. Neighbours were fed up of this daily chore; once asked: “why you tolerate him?” She replied:” He is my blood, how a mother can disown her child.”

Theme: Taste
Against his parents wish Rajiv left home to find his own career. They wanted him to become a doctor or engineer like normal kids do. Today they are proud of him; he is world’s number one... His job was to seduce the taste bud of the people. Yes He is a chef. He tasted Success

Theme: Deception
Her deceptive smile had caught his attention in a crowded pub. He went to the parking lot following her, miraculously the seducing look on her face changed to violent one. With Gun she shot him to take revenge of her sister’s rape and death. She broke into tears, tears which were waiting for this moment.

Theme: Night
He was regretting why he didn’t paid attention, instead of roaming with her. Tomorrow is big day and still he watched movie, was busy on phones and was roaming around. Wished he could reverse time and start from the start. Sigh! He decided he would Up all night long to prepare for his Maths exam.

Theme : Relationship
He lingers for me, cares for me, and understands me. We share a close bonding; if I am sad he would play games, make cute faces or just sit beside me. He is my shadow. His selfless love is above all happiness. Our relationship does not have name, he is my dog, my faithful partner

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

55WordStory : Part 1

Since many of you are not aware of my new stories that I write for where you have to write story in just 55 words.
Daily there would be one theme and you have to scribble your imagination in shortest fiction story.

Here are my few stories from past and I would be posting it on my blog as and when I get time.
You can read my stories on above website with @Nehu handle and of course there are many awesome stories out there J

Happy reading

Theme : Café
Blind Date: “How would I identify you?” “I am wearing a white shirt and blue jeans, sitting in corner table of CCD.” She was as usual late, found him. A formal handshake and the order “Cappuccino" both said at same time. Apart from their choices, their interests, opinions everything matches. After few months she marries Him.

Theme: Irony
Famous social worker, his job was to save girl child. He wanted world with no dowry, no sati, no rapes… He worked for women empowerment. Every night he sits beside her daughter (Photo) and proudly tells success story with tears.
Irony of his life 10years back his daughter was burnt to death for dowry.

Theme: Game
An emergency call @1:00 am, production issue, client call, critical functionality is breaking, Manager called, everyone was in office at 1:30am. Girls without makeups, guys in night pajamas, half awake, half asleep working to fix the issue. 3am things were in place. Manager: Why did this happen? And Blame Game Started. Welcome to IT Industry

Theme: Possession
Lily 10year old was feeling miserable, her only guardian angel, her supporter died today. She loved Grandpa and would never forget stories told by him, time they spent.
On Flipside her dad and uncles were fighting over the possession of property. Crying she left room with Grandpa’s Pillow and Shawl -her priceless assets forever

Theme: Vacation
Arrange marriage and first vacation. Introvert he was, she was shy. He offered his hand, she trusted him. Hand in hand they walked on lovely beach. Silence broke into the words, words into feeling and then it turned in Love. Love which would never lasts. Vacation to cherish lifetime – The honeymoon

Theme: Suitcase
She had packed all her bags and suitcase; He was on his way home. It’s been 7 months of marriage they were so busy with office work, meeting relatives that they didn’t get chance to go for honeymoon. Phone rings, it’s his number, she picks. He died on the spot in accident said the caller.

Theme: Fight
He was fighting for freedom. He had conquered the cruel people by non-violence. We call him Bapu father of our nation, Gandhi.
That was taught to little Baburao who lived in village. He wanted to see India with Bapu’s eye. Today he is fighting against corruption on behalf of us. We call him Anna

Theme: Disappointment
Whenever they visited mall, she would stop by jewels shop and view beautiful necklace. He worked hard, saved single penny and gifted her expensive necklace. She was more than happy, now she wants another one; to his disappointment she valued money than anything else. His love went in vain; her greed grew day by day.

Theme: Sin
It was because of them we are here. The world would have been the simple place to live if Adam and Eve did not had that sinful apple. Their greed to know more, their lust for future, tossed the world all around. Our origin was sinful and our karma?

Theme: Angry
They fly and fight, they are cute and tough at same time… They are in different colors and everyone loves to spend time with them; you carry them with yourself on cellphone. The game, the brand – Angry Birds! Angry? Angry on us to ruin Mother Nature but they still entertain us. Strange!!

Theme: Stories
“Ram left pregnant Sita in jungle to prove his nobility to his kingdom.” Ramayan Story annoys Nisha – Why we respect Ram instead of Sita? Ram could have left his kingdom, for his pride poor Sita had to suffer. Who knows Ram exists or was epic but Sita yes we have lot of them around us.